A Wildflower Shop, Your Local Troy Florist

Featured Floral Arrangements

Flower delivery in Troy

We're a real brick and mortar florist located 6 miles from the center of Troy.

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A Wildflower Shop
2131 S State Route 157
Edwardsville, IL 62025
Leave a Review
Morgue HordeMorgue Horde
3 weeks ago
Brianna PattersonBrianna Patterson
3 weeks ago
Deborah PattersonDeborah Patterson
3 weeks ago
Lawrence LuebbersLawrence Luebbers
last month
The Wildflower Shop is absolutely the best! We have tried a number of florists but the quality of the products and commitment to extraordinary service beats them all by a wide margin! We have had a number of silk arrangements made up for our home d
Dave ThomasDave Thomas
last month
A Wildflower Shop is the best florist in the region. Wonderful owners and personbal service. They did a beautiful arrangement for my wife's memorial service that was appreciated so much. My go-to place for individual flowers or great, creative arrangements.
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